Re: Also, regarding Glen Whittaker....
Re: Re: Also, regarding Glen Whittaker.... -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/14/2005, 18:31:40
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Tempora, those are excellent points and important to remember.

Most of the premies were/are decent, honest people and some are real jerks.  I think the proportion of both is about the same as the general population. 

But decent, honest people, when they believe absolutes, like that Rawat is God, canl do things that are really dishonest, or abusive of people, and probably wouldn't even think that's what they are doing.  And in other aspects of their lives, they probably wouldn't do it at all.

I say this because, although I didn't have a position like Glen's in the cult, I did things that I honestly thought were the right thing to do, but now I just cringe when I think of them.  For example:  I got up in front of the community in Miami as coordinator, and told them that Rawat's plane project was about to go under, and was in emergency need of cash, and that they should get any cash they could, including taking cash advances on their credit cards and drop it off at the community office ASAP.  I was told to do this by Elan Vital, but I did it, and afterwards I felt two things. 

One was a kind of sick feeling in my stomach, because I knew that some of those premies, especially premies with kids, were just barely getting by and didn't have the money to donate, and would suffer hardship by stacking up more debt to do it.

The second thing I felt was a kind of rush, because I felt I had "overcome" my concepts, or my "mind" and took the leap and had faith in Maharaji that I was doing the right thing.  In other words, I felt I had "surrendered," and I got a kind of blissful satisfaction out of that.

Even somebody like David Smith, who I consider a sadist when it came to the ashram premies, probably would not have committed the atrocities he did, if he didn't believe it was what the Lord wanted.

So, probably, Glen might be in that same situation.  But in the end, he is still responsible for what he does.  And if it's true that he is saying things privately that are in disagreement with the cult, he doesn't have that excuse when it comes to not saying it publicly.

So, if he really believes that the ex-premies shouldn't be attacked by the cult as a "hate group," then he just lacks the courage of his belief to do anything about it.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Apr 14, 2005, 18:41:07

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