All true, and I'm pretty sure that many intelligent premies agree with us and they probably toil over the problems in propagation. I suppose, though, that Rawat makes up all the rules as to how propagation will happen at a any given time, despite his poor record, so the premies are forced to do it his way.
And one interesting piont is that he doesn't have to do it this way, I mean this secretive, progressive, wishy-washy way. I'm sure many premies would welcome a different approach. Look at Amachi, she doesn't mince words at all and she is enjoying a lot of success lately. She is presented as a living saint, a living incarnation of the Divine, no secrets about it!
Oops, now that I think about it, I guess Rawat would have trouble presenting himself as a saint, or as an incarnation of the divine. His current approach is in keeping with his own life-style. He advocates enjoying yourself and he is consistent with his own message in that regard as he does seem to be enjoying himself.
I wonder if he actually is still enjoying all this. He is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Not even living Perfect Masters can do that.