It's clear Passages was in response to ex-premies
Re: Passages video: Decision making process & the target audience? -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

04/11/2005, 14:51:19
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My understanding was that it was put together to coincide with the 30-year anniversary of Rawat coming to the West, in 1971.  But it's clear that the video was set up to try to cobble together some explanation for a few things that ex-premies were, just by talking about it, making it impossible for EV to ignore.  And the target audience was premies, to tell them how Rawat wants them to explain the past (and the present for that matter), and hopefully they are brain-dead cult members to the point they will overlook their own experience and reality and get with the brave, new, revisionist explanations.

First, that Rawat claimed to be God -- Passages says that it was just "projection" of the premies,  which is so ludicrous.  Like people just decided that Rawat was God and he had nothing to do with it.  It was all projection and poor Rawat was just the victim of their "projections."  Absurd.

Second, the cult used to be kind of weird because of all the "Indian" customs and Rawat got rid of them, so it's okay now.  Also, absurd, because Rawat still engages in many of them.

Third, ex-premies left the cult because they loved the Indian customs and when Rawat got rid fo them, they left, confused, misdirected, and unfortunate though they may be.  Also absurd on its face, and of course no evidence is provided to support this ridiculous idea.

Fourth, it's still okay to love Rawat personally and be devoted to him, and that's really what it's all about in the end. Just look at the people who were there at the beginning.  They LOVE Maharaji and Maharaji LOVES them.  Wink, wink, this is REALLY what is going on, despite what Rawat might say at intro programs to the contrary.  And don't tell any "new people" about this, that's why Passages is for premies.  What is surprising is that Visions sold it on its website for awhile.   I think it's really true it was a PR disaster, and once again, EV can't destroy the evidence.

And of course, Rawat directly and personally approved of the content of that dishonest, lying video.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Apr 11, 2005, 16:19:25

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