Even Jossie Winter couldn't censor all the devotional stuff out of that website. And the icky poetry and exclamations of love to Prem do not fit into the current "coolchill" and "art show" propagation program, so it's dumped. Plus, fewer and fewer premies were participating, and it was getting a little embarassing that Janice Wilson and that woman from Brazil were about the only people writing stuff.
Premies have told me they were embarassed by ELK, and some people who particpated early on and put up their "lives" or whatever, got embarassed to have them up there as the site "progressed" and actually removed them.
But you make an excellent point. As with most things in Rawatland, from the closing of the ashrams, to going from being God to being and inspirational speaker, explanations, or any concern whatsoever about the people affected by the change is nonexistent. Rawat has never given the slightest rats ass about the premies. And all that seems to have no effect on those who believe that whatever he does is perfect and their job is just to surrender to it as quickly as possible.