Why so bitter about the knowledge?
Posted by:
IanF ®

04/01/2005, 18:28:35
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I got involved in the whole guru maharaji thing in the late 80s, ending up in receiving 'the knowledge'. I was never asked to pay money. Afterwards, I went to satsangs and even saw the guy at a big London venue. I was never asked to pay any money for any of this. Going through the process was pretty amazing - hard to describe. I stopped practising because I felt I was too young to be so content. It was like there was nothing left to figure out.  I decided I'd leave it til I got older.

I don't understand why everyone's got it in for the guy. He was obviously not trying to be an infallible master of the universe. I never got the impression he wanted people to treat him as an idol. He seemed to go to great lengths to make people question and dislike him. Maybe people around him talked him up this way. He represented an idea, like a musician who creates amazing music but does stupid things in their own life you'd never condone.

Just looking up the techniques for 'the knowledge' on the internet and using them as a relaxation technique might work. Just like you can look up the lyrics of a really good song without ever hearing it sung. You won't get the same effect as when you hear a song just at that time in your life when it seems to strike a chord in you.


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