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Re: So what you are saying is ... -- Jonti Top of thread Forum
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03/31/2005, 16:17:29
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Short and to the point!  A hallmark of most posts authored by you

Of course, you realize that using a word like "unwise" in this conversation is a waste of time since Jonx hasn't shown the slightest hint of  understanding the meaning of the words, "wisdom" or "wise."  A wise person would know when they have been beaten in a debate.  Well, actually, I don't think he knows the meaning of "debate," either.

Man, it's hard to communicate with people that don't own a dictionary and refuse to accept a common definition for the words they are using.  This, you will find (assuming it isn't already very old hat to you) is a common premie affliction.  They prefer to play word games; twisting the meaning of "and" would be a favorite.  I believe the main reason for this sophomoric activity is that their lord, who they love to quote, has an elementary school education.  Actually, I'm not certain that he actually graduated. 

Even worse, they prize ignorance above all else.  Illogic would be a close number two.  Dissembling..... well, it's pretty high on the list of fun premie activities, too. 

"God" may not be able to make a square circle, but he (M) sure knows how to turn premies into mental pretzels! 

Modified by NAR at Thu, Mar 31, 2005, 16:37:42

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