So what you are saying is ...
Re: Re: Are you talking to me? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonti ®

03/31/2005, 14:42:24
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... you cannot answer my questions, and that you concede my point?

That's OK. But it's nothing to do with having been a premie or had whatever experience. It's simply a matter of logic -- the way things are. Even God cannot make a square circle.

You'll probably dismiss this as patronising, that's up to you. But to argue I cannot say anything worthwhile about life with M or K is unwise. I understand the principle ... but the *same* principle yields that *you* cannot say anything worthwhile about life without M & K.

But you do say stuff about life without M & K, don't you? Just like me, you find yourself perfectly able to think about stuff without (before!) actually doing it, and you find it is useful to use your mind like that.

It's what a mind is for, surely?

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