What happened with your girlfriend?
Re: Has anyone ever considered confronting Rawat and his cronies? -- Bluesology Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/31/2005, 13:44:13
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Can you tell us a little more about what happened with your girlfriend?  After she joined the Rawat cult, did your relationship end?  Just wondered.

Regarding confronting Rawat and "his cronies" about the only way you could do that is by just saying things publicly, because Rawat is very well insulated from anyone who isn't a member of his cult.  His security, and the staging of the events in which he appears are so controlled and paranoid, that it is unlikely that a critic would  even be able to ask him a question.

For example, when I requested to attend a supposedly "public" event where Rawat was going to appear, I was officially told that I could not attend that that the cult would call the police on me if I showed up.  This is how paranoid Rawat is.

As for making his, or anybody else's life "a misery," I personally have no interest, because I personally do not care how Prem Rawat feels about his life. Rather, the purpose of all this, for me, is hopefully to get information to people like your girlfriend before they get conned into wasting their time following Rawat, like many of us have already done.

Anyhow, welcome, and sorry to hear about your girlfriend.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Mar 31, 2005, 13:47:22

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