Jonx's Obsession with Mike Finch
Re: Well said, NAR... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/29/2005, 20:20:39
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Good point, Cynthia.

I think Jonx might be obsessed with Mike Finch, because he actually knows Mike Finch and probably doesn't know any of the rest of us, at least personally.

I know when I left the cult, a couple of my premie friends tried to get me to go back, although that lasted a few days, max, because it all had become so clear to me how blind I had been and I made it clear I just wasn't interested anymore, and that I was more interested in getting on with my life.  Once the shades come off, that was it.  Still, these premies were talking to me the way they were because they cared about me, or were worried about me, or something like that.  Jonx just seems angry.

When somebody you really know leaves the cult, it's a lot harder to rationalize and it calls into question the whole belief system.  I think the only it can be dealt with is to just drop the person and not think about them, or you  have to rationalize that they are confused or something, and then, well, there has to be something wrong with them -- it's just hitting too close for comfort.

I think Jonx believes Mike was hijacked the the "hate group," and Jonx sees it as his "participation" to try to bring him back, or at least shut him up.

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