Hi Joe,You originally wrote: "So, Rawat has the ultimate scam, and it doesn't last for most people -- most people wise up. Others, I am afraid, continue in the endless ponzi scheme, hoping that if they continue to double their bets, they will finally get what was offered in the first place."
I cannot imagine you used this striking imagery, contrasting those who "wise up" with those on an endless ponzi scheme continually doubling their bets ... " without trying to show that premies were always frustrated in a sisyphean attempt to gain the carrot of happiness which was why I posted that most of the premies I know seem quite happy.
I agree with your understanding that this happiness is based on lowered expectations but I think you underestimate the changes in the belief system that has occurred over that last 25 years, a pretty long time in any person's life. While you and I could not live with the cognitive dissonance of being a premie it seems that many people are able to evolve their belief system re the provenance and benefits of Knowledge while maintaining a disciplic relationship to Rawat without concerning themselves with the logic black hole this creates.