The Jagdeo Child Sex Abuse Cover Up -- what did EV know?
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/22/2005, 12:14:33
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I wanted to bring up Anth's post from below, because I just saw it, and this is something I hadn't heard before. 

I knew that it was likely that Elan Vital and Rawat were aware of what Jagdeo was doing to kids, indeed, apparenty Susan reported it to both Randy Prouty and Judy Osborne (both initiators and hence employees of Elan Vital, which in itself is probably constructive notice to Elan Vital), but now both say they "don't recall" being told.  Apparently one of the victim's father reported it to Charanand, another Elan Vital employee.

Anyhow, all we know is that EV says Rawat didn't know, and in fact EV didn't know either until Susan reported it a few years ago.  We know that in the early 80s, Rawat was sent by Elan Vital to "tour in the Far East."

EV claims Jagdeo is in India but they can't seem to find him, and have presented no evidence that they are even looking.

Anyhow, Anth said this, about what he was told by an Elan Vital national coordinator:

The national co-ordinator I spoke to told me that small groups of cult officials discussed Jagdeo's crimes, informally,  at various international conferences. The impression he gave me was that, over the years, the complaints gradually increased, and eventually became so frequent that something "had to be done". The result was Jagdeo's exile in the Far East.

This is kind of huge.  Can anyone provide any more information?




Hi Joe,

The national co-ordinator I spoke to told me that small groups of cult officials discussed Jagdeo's crimes, informally,  at various international conferences. The impression he gave me was that, over the years, the complaints gradually increased, and eventually became so frequent that something "had to be done". The result was Jagdeo's exile in the Far East.

Anth the heavy fingers

Modified by Joe at Tue, Mar 22, 2005, 12:15:20

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