Re: Paddy, how do u know whether someone is enlightened?
Re: Re: Paddy, how do u know whether someone is enlightened? -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

03/19/2005, 16:08:46
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Hi Andries,

That's far too hard a question to answer but I'm something of a pragmatist. Many of the people I've known over the last 40 years have been interested in 'enlightenment' or something very similar which they might call by different names and have a more or less sophisticated understanding of what that means. They have tried many different paths, followed many different gurus (or not) in many different religions and not a single one of them has attained anything like enlightenment and this they freely admit because after all one of the reasons they were interested in enlightenment is that they were good people to start with. Sure there are a few who think they've attained some higher state but they're either on drugs, prescribed or otherwise, or true believers in a cult and they've managed to convince nobody but other cult members of their experience.

Now none of those people that I know know anyone who is enlightened and none of the people they know know anyone who is enlightened and none of the people they know know anyone who is enlightened and none of the people they know know anyone who is enlightened and none of the people they know know anyone who is enlightened and none of the people they know all the way down to the very last turtle.

Then again all the people who publicly claimed they are/were enlightened and were able to convince millions of people that they are/were have turned out to be phonies eg SSB, GMJ, AC, Mukta, LaDiDa etc, and pretty unpleasant phonies at that.

The sun is shining, it's the first autumn day of the year and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life trying to find out how to prove someone is enlightened. I think there is quite enough evidence but as I quite enjoy the subject I haven't left it entirely. I'm keeping my eyes on to see if he has any announcement to make on that subject in the future. I believe that if there is such a state as enlightenment he's way ahead of me on the path and if he doesn't attain it before he dies I won't bother trying.

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