I remember the change in Holy Name/Technique 3 clearly
Re: Question, Quirky -- Joe Top of thread Forum
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03/18/2005, 16:03:10
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I attended the Rejoice event in Birmingham, England in 1987 or 1988. Rawat ran the Knowledge review, and was quite clear that all the techniques should only be practiced during, err, practice, which should be done for a minimum of one hour a day. Someone asked him about practicing techniques 3 and 4 (Holy Name and Nectar) at other times and he was very clear that we should not.

My 'understanding' at the time was that this is how it should be done, and finally the Perfect Master was making it clear, but of course this is absurd as he had 17 years to make sure the Mahatmas/Initiators/Instructors were teaching it right, and there is the commandment 'Constantly Meditate and Remember Holy Name' which kind of contradicts his new teachings.


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