I only need five hours..
Re: Hi Nigel, you should get some sleep -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Nigel ®

03/17/2005, 18:40:50
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Hi Joe!

It's my metabolism, or something.  re. the Euro?  Hmm, I can't say too much in case the FA fines me again for going off-topic, but I am definitely 'pro'.  (Liverpool still has bomb-damaged buildings from the two-week German blitz of May, 1941 in which 4000 civilians died in the resulting firestorm.  Anything which further seals future European peace and co-operation, after centuries of insane territorial wars, has to be a good thing, I reckon.)

Can you visit at the same time as Jim?  It would reduce the taxi fares...

Sorry to hear about 'Good dog Nigel'  (Did I ever quote you that John Lennon poem of that name?  If not, now is perhaps not the best time to repeat it.)

Best to you too...

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