About a mile down the road from John Lennon Airport (slogan: 'Above us only sky')
It's a grand place to visit, Jim. To this day, behind a shelter in the middle of the roundabout, a pretty nurse is even now selling poppies from a tray.
We'll be here - we know all the best pubs and low-life culture. 'Open-mike' nights. Bring your guitar! We could even go busking. Do you know 'Duelling banjos'? - Yeah, I know we all know the first bit. But hell, we could twang that much, at least. (As Lao Tsu once said in his airport novelette, the Tao Te Chung: 'A journey of a trillion miles must of necessity begin with the wise man first tying his shoelaces') And we could do it on Lime Street! Where cardboard-dwellers sing like angels in subways for heroin-money.
Email us please, Jim, we're at: n.longhurst@merseymail.com