You are making the same mistake that premies make, and that's that Prem Rawat gives a damn about anything other than being worshipped, and keeping enough money coming in so he can live the way he does.
Those are only two things I have ever consistently seen that Prem Rawat cares about. He might also love his wife and kids, but I have no way of knowing.
So, Rawat would probably only deal with criticism if he thought it would benefit him, or pull his financial ass out of some fire or other.
Otherwise, I have never, even once, heard of Rawat ever admitting any error whatsoever, or ever even entertaining the possibility that any opposition to him is of any possible merit or validity. Not only have I never seen it, I have never even heard that it might have existed at anytime, even as a rumor.
This is the nature of a truly narcissistic personality, which Prem Rawat appears to be, and all the co-dependent premies who constantly try to cover for, and protect him from, any possible twinge of self-doubt or imperfection.
Although your points are very logical and correct, they are being addressed to someone who, even if he saw them, would not have a clue how to appropriately respond to them, and so he won't, or else just write you off as a very confused, pathetic person.