So did I.
I was told about the site about 5 years ago by a very longstanding premie friend who "received knowledge" when Maharaji first came to the West ( about 2 years before me). She warned me not to look at it as it was very nasty ! I was intrigued and so dumb that I remember thinking ...whatever could possibly be so nasty about M. that it was worth putting on the Net ? ( This is why I disagree and find it hurtful when posters here suggest that premies are " untrustworthy".......I say not " untrustworthy" but " uninformed" ).
The irony is that I first looked at EPO in an Internet cafe where I had tried to register for a programme online .I remember being amazed at how expensive admission to the program was and the fact that you weren't " registered" until you had paid by giving your credit card details.I was trying to register two friends as well ( one disabled ), who couldn't afford to pay.......and I ended up having to pay for them. In the past I didn't remember EV being so coldly commercial.
So I partly looked at EPO in a fit of peak after parting with so much money! I was shocked and thrilled all at the same time but my " hour" ran out and I kept an open mind and thought I would investigate further once I was online at home.
Eighteen months later and connected to the WWW from my living room I spent hours glued to EPO. It was like an addiction after over 30 years of brainwashing. At first the shock and trauma was truly huge as I recognised the sincerity of what I was reading..........since my brief foray in the Internet cafe, Mike Finch had set up his web-site after that was it for me......the final straw.To me, Mike was one of the sincerest premies I had ever encountered ....and Jean-Michel , who I had considered the most " normal" French initiator during my time in Paris. ( and that was well after his operation
However I'm still learning ( or unlearning) . I read and understand things now that I was quite unable to assimilate on first encountering EPO and the forum. 
On the whole this forum has been a great source of information and support.