I think your contributions here are very interesting and also quite helpful to my understanding of what's going on in the Rawat cult today, how they recruit new people, and especially, what it is that caused you to turn away instead of becoming involved. All are important things, IMO, and I give you a lot of credit to for having the courage to tell us about your experiences.
Please feel free to keep on posting. I see no reason for anyone to be suspicious of you, and I also think your point of view is important, for any "lurkers" (readers who don't post).
Btw, "The Family of Love" is the title of an old DLM film about Guru Maharaj Ji, that is now archived (don't know if anyone oustide the cult has a copy or not). It was released to premie communities around the world around 1975. For instance, when I was an aspirant, in 1975, it first came out and I remember it being shown three or four times over in the same night. DLM/Elan Vital/Prem Rawat have never had anything to do with the Berg or The Family Cult. (Thank god!)