Ken Wilbur, the interviewer, is actually a well known writer and guru of sorts himself.I have been a long time admirer of your idea that there is no "higher consciousness" to aim for, and that we should accept our human experience, as is, with no need for "transformation.". That's exactly what these guys are calling "boomeritis." How obnoxious is that?
However, if we throw out the mystical terms and accept that there are different states of consciousness available to us, and stop claiming one mental state is "better" than another, even though we may enjoy certain states better than others, we can agree that human consciousness is a wonder worth exploring.
No one has transcended ego into higher consciousness and the attempt to do so is anti-human, unnatural, futile, and harmful.
This statement is unfalsifiable, so I can't accept it face value, but I know what you mean.
"Ego" is a false concept in the first place.
Why do you say that? If ego = personality, we all have one.
What we experience as separate mental beings is all we have
and there should be no struggle of any kind, not even the struggle for improvement or some ideal of enlightenment. We each have a separate self and a personality which will remain with us until we die. The attempt to "die" to ourselves while still in the body is, again, anti-human, unnatural, futile, and harmful.
I see no harm in exploring states of consciousness. My initial attraction to Rawatism was the promise of "nature LSD within inside you." I guess it's a matter of degree: obviously to whip oneself with chains to reach an "spiritual ecstacy" is harmful; a little tantra with your favorite person is altogether another thing!