I disagree, Neville
Re: Well, I see it this way -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
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03/10/2005, 11:44:05
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Although you make sense.  The problem with that diagnosis, as I see it, is that we have come nowhere close to the limit of our intellect.  At least, there is no evidence that we have come close to that limit...... whatever it is.

In my humble opinion, the meaning of life, as they say, is very simple.  To live, learn and grow...... and most importantly, pass it on to future generations of our species. 

We have to be the most self-absorbed generation ever.  All we seem to care about is ourselves.  We (the 60's generation) give not a single thought to future generations.  It is obvious at every turn!  We want to "experience" some non-existent promised land and personally fulfill our own personal destiny in our own personal way.  Well, I don't give a tinker's dam_ about "my own personal fulfillment."   I DO care about my kid and the life she will be handed.  If the best I do is to pass on my learnings, spark the desire to learn more (in her) and hand her a world that isn't going to destroy itself before she gets the chance to do "her thing," then I have "met my obligation" with regard to the meaning of life.  The "meaning?"  Live it, learn it and pass it on!  Simple, no? 

Why should "I," for a single instant, think that "I" am more important than any other form of life?  They seem to understand the "meaning" of their lives, pretty darned well.  The above description, within the limits of their particular species' capabilites to do so, fits them to a "T."  So why not us?  We are just silly enough to try to deny our genetic code....... and we've got a brain that appears to be able to do so, to some degree. 

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