When I attended Elan Vital video classes, no one informed me that it was Rawatism. It would have saved so much time that was wasted. The authentic Hindu religion is interesting, and I could have went to the library and checked out some good books to read. Rawatism is just Maharaji, as he calls himself, pretending to know something and not having a goddamn thing to say. How can he go on and on with no substance to what he says? I was duped at first, because he presented his self as having something to offer "free of charge" (ha ha). When Maharaji didn't come to town to offer "Knowledge" I started doing searches on the internet and found this web site, and got the four techniques right away. I'm so glad I didn't buy airline tickets to go to Florida or California (some premies asked if I was dedicated enough to fly to India or Africa to "get Knowledge") and get in further debt with travel expenses, all for nothing.