That's a good one, but cults like Rawat's change so that they don't appear to cut people off from society, when if fact, they do because the thought reform is still there, even though people are not cut off physically. That's a tricky rationalization that cults use to prove they aren't cults -- "we don't change your lifestyle." When in fact, it's the mental manipulation and mind control that causes isolation, not necessarily a physical isolation.
My advice is never trust a group that ever withholds information (the Keys dvds are a great example of this), won't answer your questions, but tells you a cock and bull story like "you're understanding will evolve in time, be patient," and especially be wary of any group that cannot criticize their leader, or has a leader who will not or cannot answer any real direct questions.
Good topic, Neville.
Modified by Cynthia at Sun, Mar 06, 2005, 17:10:13