I don't see the point in discussing it because it's all based on sheer speculation. I'm not avoiding the conversation. Would little Prem have developed into a cult leader if his father had not been one? Who knows? Nobody knows. He was born into the family he was born into and they all turned out to be a bunch of lying, conning thieves. What's interesting to me is how Prem's kids are turning out.
Most people don't grow up to be cult leaders and not all cult leaders who are successful have fathers who were the cult leader before them, either, but cult families are not unheard of.
Jim Jones's son, Stephan certainly didn't follow in his father's footsteps but easily could have keep that cult going long after the Jonestown tragedy -- there are people who still believe in Jones (hard to believe, but it's true).
Marjoe Gortner is a great example of someone who was groomed from infancy to be a cult leader of the Christian charismatic type, and he was very successful, however, he didn't turn out to be a sociopath and exposed himself and his own fraud later in life. He couldn't stomach his own charasisma. Here's an old article I just love from the book Snapping by Conway and Siegleman.
Rawat could have been born into a large variety of different senarios and it's all speculation to even think about what his life would have been like without it. And if I believed in reincarnation, I could also speculate what would have happened if Rawat had been born a white, middle-class, Jewish family in America, or to a small, poverty stricken Indian village, instead of the family he was born into and how he has turned out as a result, etc.