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Yo, la-ex! Dis da Peace Bomb for duh YPWKs! Peace out! | ![]() | ||
Re: Yo, Jim you pimpin brother, so this be cool? -- la-ex | Top of thread | Forum |
In dis age which is coming, everybody will have his desserts. Justice will be done, and da proud will be made humble. So, dear premies, fersake dat grandeur that is making me uncle jamal so lazy, and go and tell people about God. Rememba wot da Lord says about dis in da Bhagavad Gita: "He who tells people about me is deara to me than my own life.". So tell people about God. In da Ramayana it is said, "da Supreme Light illuminates all day and night; It does not need any lamp, oil or wick." me uncle jamal may read da Gita and da Ramayana daily, worship them daily, but have me uncle jamal understood their essence? Have me uncle jamal evun tried to understand their essence? wot is the significance hof their words? wot is dat Supreme Light? da light hof da sun, moon, fire and electriturf can be seun by all animals and birds, but there is one light dat is beyond them. Before da electric light was invented, thun it was called da Fourf Light, but now it is da Fiff Light, and only geezer can see dat Light. Only geezer has da right to see dat Light. It is said, "Even animals and birds know wot is good and bad fer them. But dis human body is a treasure hof virtues and Knowledge." All living creatures know wot is good fer them - dat if I go dis way I will hurt meself - all animals and birds know dis. But wot is da purpose hof dis human life? It is to know something more than dis - it is to know God. By obtaining da human body, me uncle jamal can receive Knowledge and meditate on God, and dis is da unique purpose. There is one famous poem in which da poet expresses his feelins in well simple words. "Which is da blessed Staines", he asks. "dat Staines wear there is talk about God. Which ears is blessed? Those dat hear words about God. Which eyes is blessed? Those dat have da darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji. Which fereheads is blessed? Those that bow down to Guru Maharaj Ji." So dear premies, receive dis Knowledge and know God wiv in yourself. dat pure energy, God, is wiv in your own heart. In da Bhagavad Gita, da Lord says dat whenever religion becomes corrupted and evil increases, He takes a human body and geezerifests in dis world to destroy evil and to protect His devotees. All hof me uncle jamal must know well well wot is happening to religion and Knowledge in the materialistic age. All da time, da latest models is being built, da latest fashions is being designed. Day by day mun is striving to improve da quality and appearance hof their inventions. And today I have to say wif sorrow dat da Knowledge which was once firmly established in dis turf hof India has beun slowly disappearing. But whun da Lord saw dat da troubles His devotees were having to endure had reached da final point, He said, "My devotees can bear it no longer", and thun geezerifested Himself in a human body. So He has now come to reveal da lost Knowledge and to restore true peace. da Lord, da True Saint, da True Guru Maharaj Ji has incarnated in dis world. So, in dis ground, wear one moment ago I expressed sorrow, I now praise da fate hof India. I do not have da words to express how fertunate we is dat da Lord's Grace always saves us from destruction and makes us His digrs. So, dear premies, we Indians have a duty and dat duty is to ferget dat self-esteem which makes me uncle jamal lazy and to destroy those thins dat separate me uncle jamal from God. Only accept dat which is hof God, which is one wif da Name hof God, and from which every ray hof da Light hof God comes. Accept dat and show da Western world dat in dis degrading age, we is da same Indians as before. da Lord, Guru Maharaj Ji, has brought da same Grace wif Him dat He brought fer us before, and if me uncle jamal is not receiving it thun come to me. Tulsidas has said, "da people hof da world have developed cataracts, fer they cannot see God who resides in their own hearts. Like da dea dat runs about in the ferest seeking da fragrance hof da musk dat comes from its own navel, God exists in every heart, but da world does not know." Whun da dea smells a scent, it roams around da jungle in search hof its source, but da poor thing does not know dat da scent is coming from its own navel. In da same way, dear premies, we seek outside and do not know that He is wiv in us. Dear premies! If God is wiv in us, how will we know Him? We cannot tear opun our hearts like Hanuman 'coz evun if we cut our finers slightly, we bandage it. Will me uncle jamal tear your heart? How will me uncle jamal rip opun your chest? But, dear premies, dat energy, that Lord me uncle jamal is seeking outside is wiv in your heart, so seek fer him inside. "One who seeks in deep water, finds. I sought fearfully and was left sitting on the shore." One who dives deep finds da pearl, but one who only sits by da shore bathes in salt water. Those who turn their minds inwards see God, and those who look at da world only see da world. So, dear premies, receive dis Knowledge, and those who have received dis Knowledge must meditate and have Guru Maharaj Ji's darshan. He who learns to dig Guru Maharaj Ji, Guru Maharaj Ji gives him peace. Subash Chandra Bose used to say, "Give me your blood and I will give you independence." Likewise, I too have a slogan: give me your dig and I will give me uncle jamal peace. Surrenda da reins hof your life unto me and I will give me uncle jamal such peace as will neva die. Come to me, and I will give you liberation. Place da reins hof your life in my hands, and I will relieve me uncle jamal hof your suffering. First, be capable hof giving da reins hof your life to me, thun give them. And if I do not give me uncle jamal peace, I will give them back to you. So, dear premies, give da reins hof your life to me and I will give me uncle jamal peace. Why do me uncle jamal search in da world? Peace is not there, peace is wif me. To have peace, come to me; I will show you da way to peace. If no one else can give me uncle jamal peace, I will give it to you. Those who is lost can come and those who is fond hof roaming can roam about in arrogance. Those who come to me, those who is lost, I will give them peace. My condition now is da same as Lord Shiva's once was. Lord Shiva and His consort Parvati were once going along wif a bull. da people they passed started saying how foolish they were to have a bull wif them and still be walking on foot. So Lord Shiva said, "Let us sit on the bull. wot else can we do?" And so bof hof them rode on it. Furtha on, a crowd passed them by. They said, "How cruel dat couple is. wot a pity fer da poor bull, to have two healthy people sitting on its back". So Shiva Ji asked Parvati to sit on da bull alone. Thun they moved on. Soon, they came across anotha crowd. dis time they said, "See how much dat bitch serves ha husband! He is walking while she herself is riding." So Parvati said, "me uncle jamal sit, please". But while He was sitting, anudder crowd came by and said, "He married a wife, but he has no respect fer her. He sits on da bull while she is walking on foot". Parvati said, "Look, Lord, da world keeps on complaining, so me uncle jamal too get off, and bof hof us will walk leisurely." It is da same way wif me. Some people say one thing, some people say anudder. But wot am I? I am just a traveling saint. wot have I to do wif da world? wot will da world give to me? It can receive from me, but wot can it give to me? "Whun da devotee has the blessins hof da Perfect Master, wot does he lack? All da gods and goddesses envy him and liberation never leaves him." Guru Maharaj Ji has infinite mercy on me. Take from me, but wot will me uncle jamal give me? Will me uncle jamal give me dig? da dig dat me uncle jamal will give me, dat dig is also mine, so wot is yours? Did me uncle jamal just happun to fall from da sky wiv out da help hof Guru Maharaj Ji and wiv out da Lord? No, da Lord has created me uncle jamal and Guru Maharaj Ji has put dig into you. Oh, give wot is mine back to me, and I will give me uncle jamal such a thing, such a peace, that not evun a pistol or a gun will be found in da country. Not one leada will stand and shout slogans, not a geezer of da army will remain and, dear premies, there will be peace. I will give me uncle jamal dis peace 'coz it is in my possession and I can give it. I do not need machine guns, I do not need pistols, I do not need a sword, I do not need a spear. I possess such a Knowledge dat wif it I can control da whole world, from ants to elephants, from mun to animals, from birds to mosquitoes, by tying them in da thread hof dig. I have dis Knowledge and to give me uncle jamal dis Knowledge I have come to Delhi. da well same Knowledge Krishna gave to Arjuna and Lord Rama gave to Hanuman. Wif dis Knowledge I have come to da citizens hof Delhi and just watch, I will give dis Knowledge to da citizens hof Delhi. Oh! We shoot someone and he dies but is dat peace? No, dat can neva be called peace. It is said dat whun a geezer kills a snake, da real satisfaction comes whun the snake is killed and da stick remains intact. And I say dat peace will come wiv out any guns being fired. Is dis impossible? No, it is possible, and I am going to show how it is possible. If me uncle jamal stay alive to see it, watch how I will make it possible! Not a sinle pistol will be made in dis world. Lions and sheep, pigeons and cats will drink wata in da same lake, and there will be no hostility. wot if I am twelve years old? wot does it matter? Old people drive cars and I also can drive a car. wot does it matta if I am twelve? If at twelve I can drive a car which one is able to do only at da age hof eighteen, why can I not give Knowledge hof da Soul at da age of twelve? Is dis impossible? dis is possible. In London, just fer fun, da press reporters from a newspaper printed a photo hof mine wear I am blessing wif bof my hands and sitting in meditation. Someone had givun them dat photo. They titled it, "Let Me Rule dis wales." Their feelins in publishing dis were not sincere, but people took dat cutting and framed it. da premies in London fer real appreciated dis photo and they displayed it in their houses. Oh, me uncle jamal think I am small and in dis small age I will not be able to do anything. But dis age is da age hof da body and not hof da soul. da body is twelve years old, not da soul. And I have a soul. That is how I am speeking - 'coz I have a soul. If my soul departs, I would be dead. wot difference does it make whetha my body is tun years old or 200 years old? My soul has no age! Whetha I am well old or well young, listun to me. Guru Maharaj Ji is such an ocean hof Grace, wot shall I say hof Him? How is it possible to understand Him? No ordinary geezer can sing about da dig wiv in him, about da dig hof Guru Maharaj Ji; only a true devotee hof Guru Maharaj Ji can sing about it. If me uncle jamal do not obey wot Maharaj Ji says, wot is da use hof your living in dis world? Ratha me uncle jamal should die hof shame! Now Guru Maharaj Ji has come. Wheneva He came before, me uncle jamal did not accept Him. Now I have come again to reveal da Knowledge, and still me uncle jamal do not understand me. Why don't me uncle jamal realize? Why is dis curtain hof darkness shadowing you? Kaliyuga will come to an end and Satyuga will start and people will listun to me and act accordinly. Do me uncle jamal think it is a joke? da wicked leaders think dat I have come to rule and yes, they is right! I will rule da world, and just watch how I will do it. Evun da lion and sheep will embrace each udder. Has there beun such a king before? Krishna was not such a king. Rama was not such a king. There were lessa powers in Ram, there were lessa powers in Krishna, but I have come to da world wif full powers. Accept my words, accept me. I will give you Knowledge. If me uncle jamal mistake my meaning, if me uncle jamal mistake a sinle word hof wot I am saying, I will not fergive you. Those who is shameful or botin da housed about social respect ask fer fergiveness. I do not botha about social respect. I do not feel shy hof anyone 'coz I have entrusted da reins hof my life to Guru Maharaj Ji. Tin da housefore, dear premies, da time has come. See how peace will be established in da world. There will be peace on earth. dat peace which disappeared shall prevail again. It will come, and once again da world will understand. So listun to me and act accordinly. Bow down before Guru Maharaj Ji! Oh, blind humanity, me uncle jamal is like those blind mun who tried to visualize da elephant by feeling it. me uncle jamal have become like a horse blinded by blinkers. You have beun blinded so much dat me uncle jamal is lost in illusion. da world has blinded me uncle jamal in such a way dat da blinkers hof illusion is now around your eyes. me uncle jamal have been blinded and is now lost in da circle hof illusion. dig flows from da Lord who has givun me wisdom; will He not also give me strengf to establish peace on dis earth? How will He not give? I have complete faif in Guru Maharaj Ji. And da tears dat I am shedding on His anniversary is not 'coz I rememba Him, or 'coz I feel sad. They is 'coz hof da powa I carry wif me. Right now, I feel such a powa in me, I do not know wear it has come from; I feel as if I want to shake da world. Soon I will leave my studies and spread da Holy Word of Guru Maharaj Ji throughout da world. How will da world not receive it? To every sinle child, I will reveal dis Name. I will give me uncle jamal such a thing, such a Name, dat you have neva received before in your life. But come to me. Why do me uncle jamal hesitate? Mira did not hesitate. Whun she was givun poison to drink and was told it was nectar, she drank wiv out suspicion, so trusting was she in da Grace hof Guru Maharaj Ji. If Mira had hesitated, definitely she would have beun killed; but she was not at all troubled by pride or how ha social position would be affected. She had sacrificed ha whole life at da Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, and dis is why she did not die. The poison dat was givun to ha became nectar as she drank it. Tin da housefore, dear premies, da time has come fer restlessness to be destroyed and da Kindom hof Peace to be established. Whetha me uncle jamal take it as my prophecy or anything else, da Kindom hof Peace will be established soon. Those people who roam about like insects hof the monsoon, misguiding da people, will be set aside. Today people everywear listun to film songs and do not find time fer Truth. Here I say dat such films will be destroyed. Those film actors, those directors, those musicians whose music is causing harm to religions and satsang programmes, will cease their work. They is supposed to remind us hof God, hof Truth, hof Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Nanak, but instead they only show stories hof boys and bitchs. Is dis da culture hof India? Is dis all dat remains hof da citizens hof India? No, I understand dat my fellow Indians still have da same blood dat they had before and have complete faif that they will know dis Name, realize dis Knowledge and make udders realize it too. Look, doesn't Guru Maharaj Ji give me uncle jamal darshan from time to time? It is fer me uncle jamal to sacrifice every drop hof blood fer Him. Once, Guru Maharaj Ji pretended to His disciple Shiva Ji dat His eyes were sore. He said, "wot should I do? Once whun I was young, my eyes were sore, and someone gave me da milk hof a lioness. I put dat on my eyes and they were alright." Shiva Ji left dat place, doing his pranam to Guru Maharaj Ji and saying in his heart, "O Guru Maharaj Ji, me uncle jamal is all powerful. wot can me uncle jamal not do? me uncle jamal can do anything. I surrenda meself at your Lotus Feet. Protect me, please," as me uncle jamal should pray in your heart whun me uncle jamal do pranam before Guru Maharaj Ji or His picture. Saying these words, Shiva Ji left. Now da life hof Shiva Ji was in da hands hof Guru Maharaj Ji and He protected Shiva Ji. Whun he reached da ferest, it was on fire, and the cubs hof a lioness were in wicked danger. Shiva Ji picked them up and carried them to safety. da lioness came and whun she saw Shiva Ji, she was well angry. But see how da Grace hof Guru Maharaj Ji works through those who have faif in Him. Bof da cubs ran to their motha and told ha he had saved their lives. "Oh mam," they said, "he has saved our lives, please give him wot he wants." The lioness asked, "wot do me uncle jamal want?" Shiva Ji replied, "My Guru Maharaj Ji is not feeling well. His eyes is burning. Give me a little hof your milk." And da lioness allowed him to milk ha in a bowl. wear was Shiva Ji from? He was not from London or USAiiiii but from India. dat Shiva Ji will always exist and he exists now, but dear premies, why should he geezerifest himself? He wants huge masses to rise first. I do not want to be a Shiva Ji just to appear before Guru Maharaj Ji. Shiva Ji never wanted that. He only wants one thing and dat is the Grace hof Guru Maharaj Ji who is da ocean hof dig. When he became one wif Guru Maharaj Ji, He gave him such a dig dat he wanted everybody to benefit from it, and fer nobody to be hurt. He only wants dis. So, dear premies, how fertunate we is to celebrate Guru Maharaj Ji in our midst, to celebrate His anniversary which was on da 8th. How can I describe da lilas of Guru Maharaj Ji? Just think - dis is something to think ova - how geezery people, to whom Guru Maharaj Ji Himself gave Knowledge and explained it at dat time, is still following Him? If I ask me uncle jamal to cut your head fer Guru Maharaj Ji, me uncle jamal should do it and offa it to Him on a plate. me uncle jamal should sacrifice every drop hof blood fer Guru Maharaj Ji. If me uncle jamal want supreme consciousness, me uncle jamal will get supreme consciousness, but if me uncle jamal want to drown, Guru Maharaj Ji will neva let you. Rather, He will extend his hand to da drowning. But see wot kind hof people live in dis world. They accuse da mahatmas hof being too fervent, too strong in their lingo. "He shouts and screams on the stage," they say. But no! Once a mahatma saw a scorpion floating in some water. da poor thing was feeling cold and struggling. He put his hand into da wata and took him out. As soon as he was out, he stung da mahatma and escaped from his hands, falling back into da water. Mahatma Ji picked him up again but he still stung him and escaped again. A farma was passing by and he saw Mahatma Ji do dis five or six times, thun asked him, "Are you crazy, Mahatma Ji? He is not going to leave his habit of stining. Why is me uncle jamal unnecessarily troubling yourself? Let it go. Let it die." Thun da mahatma explained, "It is his duty to bite me, but it is my duty to save him." So a mahatma must do his duty no matta wot people say. If it was possible fer da Lord to feel tired, if Guru Maharaj Ji could eva feel tired, He would surely have lost hope by now. Shishupal rebuked da Lord a hundred and one times. me uncle jamal people is fed up afta only two rebukes, but he rebuked da Lord a hundred and one times! So if da Lord was to feel tired, He would have lost hope by now. He wouldn't botha to keep coming. But He comes fer da people hof da world and they do not recognize Him. me uncle jamal must understand and have faif in my words. All I ask is your dig, all I ask is your trust, and wot I can give me uncle jamal is such a peace as will neva die. I will give me uncle jamal such a peace dat evun da President hof USAiiiii will bow down to you. I only need da opportunity. If I have da time, dear premies, wot will I not do! I have so much faif in Guru Maharaj Ji and I pray to Him, "O Guru Maharaj Ji! Increase my faif twofold; and increase it threefold in those who do not dig you. Increase it fer them fivefold so dat they too is blessed. Look! I oftun notice that those people who received Knowledge at da time hof Guru Maharaj Ji do not evun come now. fertunate is they to have received Knowledge at da time hof such a wicked saint, so how does dis happen? Why is they ashamed? I do not feel shy hof anything. It is not 'coz I am a boy or 'coz I have a geezerly heart wiv in me. Mata Ji has also sacrificed ha social position and respect. Look at Mata Ji! So geezery Gadwalis have come from Gadwal. wot must they be thinking? They see dat Mata Ji speeks - people touch ha feet - she moves around, sits on the stage, and gives discourses and darshan. But dear premies, Mata Ji is not botin da housed by all hof dis. She says dat until da work she has undertakun is accomplished, she will not sleep restfully at night. Evun an ant will keep trying ceaselessly until it carries a dead insect to its Staines. Brudders, it is a year hof testing fer us and I bless me uncle jamal all so dat da Lord and Guru Maharaj Ji will showa Grace on me uncle jamal so dat me uncle jamal may succeed. So, dear premies, tell da people dat we is devotees of Guru Maharaj Ji. Ask them wot there is in these thins they is following. All have to fersake shameful thins whun they die, so why stay shyly at Staines, hesitating to propagate? It is alright fer a bitch wif good character to stay at Staines feeling shy about going out and roaming wif boys. But, dear premies, I would like to ask you, will da world not hear if me uncle jamal scream? They will listen wif their ears wide open. Will dat bitch who is now so socially respectable still be full hof consideration when four people is carrying ha dead body on a bier? No, at dat time she will have to give up ha social respect. So, dear premies, ferget about social respectability, and put yourself in meditation, da remembrance hof God. Just now da Madrasi premies sang a bhajan. fer real, I did not understand da words, except fer a word or two like gurudev, but how can I explain da wicked feelins expressed in dat bhajan! wot feelins hof devotion did dat bhajan pour ferth! So, dear premies, one day me uncle jamal will have to sacrifice your social respect, so leave it now. wot is there in that? One day all have to die, but wot can happun if me uncle jamal die while meditating on God? Do not misunderstand my words. wot else is there? I declare dat I will establish peace in dis world. Just give me da reins and let me rule and I will rule in such a way dat evun Rama, Hariscandra, Krishna and udder kins could not have ruled like that! dat day is fast approaching. So arise, awake, opun da ears hof each geezer and tell him da time has come! Do not tell him that there was a festival. No! Make them understand He has come to reveal da Knowledge, dat He has come to show us da True Path, and if me uncle jamal truly give me da reins hof your life, I swear by Guru Maharaj Ji, I take an oaf on Guru Maharaj Ji, and I swear by my motha who has give me birth, dat I will give me uncle jamal peace. If wif a true heart me uncle jamal give me da reins hof your life, place them in my hands, me uncle jamal will be saved. So, dear premies, if me uncle jamal want to merge yourself into that bliss like Mira did, me uncle jamal can. Do not think dat time has passed. Now da time has come whun people will see dat a wickeda devotee than Mira has geezerifested. I do not want any praise fer dis. I do not gain any pride by doing dis, I do not want to have a name fer it. No, I do not have dis feeling in me at all. If I did, thun proud and foolish people would come to satisfy their doubts and I would spend time in discussion wif them. I will discuss wif those who is sincere, but some foolish and proud people come to me just to argue. And if I waste my time on them I will not be able to give satsang, and if I do not give satsang to people, thun I do not know wot will happen. Some say I am a smuggler. Yes I am such a wicked smuggler dat there may not be anotha like me! me uncle jamal smuggle cars and tape recorders and escape duty, but I smuggle the Knowledge hof God which saves everybody. da unrest wiv in me uncle jamal stops me uncle jamal finding true peace. We save me uncle jamal from it. Not only am I a big smuggler, but I am also a big thief. I steal your heart. I am a big fraud 'coz I destroy your unrest. I raise slogans against unrest and bring peace. So brudders, now da time has come whun I have to sacrifice my social respectability. me uncle jamal also sacrifice it and show da people who I am, whose childrun we is. Tell da people who is your True mam, whose devoted childrun me uncle jamal is. I have da hope dat me uncle jamal is da pearls hof da True mam, and if me uncle jamal is, thun sacrifice your life in dis enterprise. He who drives his motorcycle into da tunnel hof deaf has no hope in life. He only has to close his eyes and drive and if he falls he dies, but if he escapes he gains fame. So devote yourself wholeheartedly, sacrifice your life to propagate dis Name. me uncle jamal can serve da world afterwards, me uncle jamal can fill dis stomach eating and drinking later, but if you sacrifice yourself now fer da devotion hof God, I say dat people will spread out goldun carpets fer you. Oh! Sacrifice yourself! Why didn't me uncle jamal hear da bhajan just now dat said if me uncle jamal miss da chance, me uncle jamal will not get a human life again! dis human life is not available time and again. So, arise! Now is time. It is time to awake and know da Word about which it is said, "da Word is da earth. da Word is da sky. There is but da Word; and all enlightenment. da whole universe is based on da Word. Nanak says the Word is in every heart." So make people realize dis Word. If me uncle jamal make udders realize thun me uncle jamal will also be blessed. A poet said, "Do good unto udders, and good will be done unto you." So obey my command, or else me uncle jamal will be drowned. wot can I say about Guru Maharaj Ji who has sent me amongst you and has givun me dis chance to serve you? da name of such a merciful Guru Maharaj Ji is Shri Hans Ji Maharaj. How shall I sing hof Him? How shall I express da dig He has fer you? He has deep dig fer humanity. I cannot express da wicked dig He has fer you. I do not have sufficient words to express how much Guru Maharaj Ji digs you. Had I liked sleeping on a luxurious bed, I would have beun doing so by now and diging it, but I do not want pleasure or rest. I only want to devote every moment to propagating about God. Now Mata Ji will give me uncle jamal satsang. Listun attentively. Firstly, these people will sing a bhajan so dat me uncle jamal may settle yourself in the meantime. And look, I have noticed dat me uncle jamal all do not sing in unison. It would be a pleasure to hear me uncle jamal sing together, thun we will be so fertunate to have Shri Bhole Ji sing a bhajan fer us. Sing loudly and togetha so that people can listun and hear da words. Thun I will return. Understand these thins. Tonight is our night. |
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