Gee Thanks Joe, (I think) "This guy has the most complete library on Rawatism in the entire world"? Why not say in the entire universe Joe? LOL. I've told you a billion times not to exaggerate. Prem Rawat and his Cult members have the most complete library if I'm not mistaken.
I just have a few things from the seventies. BTW...To any premies out there I still have some "Holy Water" ~ I wonder if it is worth anything? How much do I hear?
I left Prem Rawat's mind abusing cult near the end of the 70's and early 80's. Here are the main reasons why I left the cult...
The end of community satsang, don't talk about certain things to anyone, the agya of no more chit-chat, constantly asked to donate more money, the mind abusing cult talk from Prem Rawat at his very long festivals down in Florida (79' was my last) and when I heard that all the premies were being told to destroy or get rid of all magazines, tapes, etc. that really sent Big Red Warning Flags off in my head. I remember thinking to myself that maybe I should keep this stuff just incase I ever need them, so up into the attic this stuff went and after all I paid for them.
Then I got a computer a few years back and found the ex-premie forums. I enjoy posting and doing what I can to show the truth of what Prem Rawat has said. Being honest about what happened in the past is better than lieing about it like "they" do.
Thanks Joe, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Hilltop