I have read all of the responses to Elisa in this thread so far. Each of them is excellent. I especially liked Bryn's linquistic twist example. This is SO common. This twisting must take place in a premie's mind in the issue of this thread, the exclusivity question. For example, what would Elisa say about those premies would devote to Satpal? What would Rawat say about those premies who devote to Satpal? Would their answers be the same? What would premies who devote to Satpal say? Why does Satpal's website make absolutely no mention of Prempal? Why does his website even lie outright about Mataji's actions during the first years after her husband's death? Why is Prempal estranged from his own brother if they are both so peaceful within? These are the kind of questions that premies will blank out and focus on the peace inside instead.
Even though you didn't address this to me but to the exes, and since I have a couple of more minutes before I do some errands:
I gather that questioning all these things interest you and make you feel good, especially when your questions are answered. Same thing, if premies go blank and focus on the peace inside it's because they're not interested, and focusing inside makes them feel good. What would Elisa say about those premies who're devoted to Sat Pal? I say that if they're finding peace and joy and clarity within, go for it!