"I had been fired from DECA because I had a total physical breakdown, so I was only working a few hours in the morning or afternoon for the attorney at DLM. They, meaning the powers above me, were still trying to figure out what to do with me because I was very sick, it wasn't working out for me to even be working at DLM a few hours a day." -Cynthia
First of all, you were 'fired' because you were sick? Was that your terminology or theirs? People are usually 'fired' for insubordination or criminal behavior. Being let go for sickness is usually called something else that entails benefit$ like worker'$ compen$ation or Social Security disability....which leads me to the next question, being, was there any sort of health, hospitalization or life insurance net for either the ashram premies or the DECA premies? Or did he really take better care of his car collection than he did of his ashram and DECA premies, the ones who dedicated their freaking blood, sweat, tears and lives to him? -San