It depends how you define 'rich' - Rawat certainly has many assets but that does not necessarily translate into ready cash. Further buying vast tracts of land in Australia and South America which produce no substantial revenue, plus unsustainable expenditures on boats, planes and other toys has likely produced a situation that sees much of Rawat's 'paper wealth' being mortgaged to the hilt.
Rawat didn't sell Serenity for well below it's list price because he wanted to - the sale was forced by financial need. His successful investments - his property purchasing has never been successful - shares in Deltec and his outright ownership of Amtext are themselves not looking so successful. Deltec should be a steady earner but the dividend is unlikely to be anything above the market standard - and Amtext looks to have a very rocky future with all the online book sellers taking chunks out of the accademic used book market.
The GSV is a huge burden on 'Rawat Enterprises' , any fall back in growth in income to the Elan Vital's will greatly inhibit Rawat's capacity to 'tour' and enjoy the five star 'subsistance' payments he gets when doing events.