I don't recall this story on EPO
Re: Hellp yourself -- premie response Top of thread Forum
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02/07/2005, 01:37:43
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Could you give me the URL?

Seriously, premies come here and say EPO is lies, or in Jon's case, hearsay (or in your case apparently, spin and exaggeration). I am not aware of such content on EPO but I am open to being pursuaded. If EPO is full of lies, why can't premies give me some examples? Why is it so hard? I believe for some premies the truth is they haven't actually read EPO, but still believe it is full of lies.

The content of EPO is based on official publications by Divine Light Mission, Elan Vital, and DUO; independent newspaper and magazine articles; and first hand testimonies (not hearsay). I accept it is possible that some of the content is inaccurate, but I am satisfied that all the significant content is true.


Modified by JHB at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 01:47:24

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