What happened -
Maharaji drove down the street, had a cup of coffee and read the newspaper.EPO version -
While millions starve, so called Perfect Master, Maharaji has been demonstrating his contempt for the poor. Last Tuesday when most of us were working, Rawat brazenly drove a gas guzzling vehicle (emitting a stream of toxic gases in its wake) whilst others around him walked. And it wasn't as if he was on an errand of mercy or buying desperately needed food for his family.
They didn't get a crust.
He consumed everything he bought on the spot without sharing it with any of the numerous bystanders.
He then proceeded to isolate himself from his surroundings and read a newspaper whilst others worked.
At one point a baby started crying and rather than offering to help, Rawat just sat there.
He then got up and instead of taking money out of his pocket to pay for everything he had consumed, he casually dropped a piece of plastic on the counter and started signing his name as if he was some sort of celebrity.
When will it end.