Quotes from Maharaji?
Re: "Lout" interesting choice of words, Joy Wisdom -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

02/07/2005, 00:36:12
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We are all, indeed, fortunate that we have Hilltop who provides us with some much.

However, I would ask that Elan Vital if they really seek to clear up all these questions of who said what where and when that they make available official and undoctored transcripts of Maharaji's motivational speeches going back to the 1970s.  We know by the Archival Project that they have everything that Maharaji has ever uttered.  So why not?

Also, I know for a fact based on my being in the audience that what makes it to video tape is edited and doesn't include off-color jokes that Maharaji might have made.

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