"Lout" interesting choice of words, Joy Wisdom
Re: Neither Kabir or Maharaji is faulty. Some students are louts, though. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/06/2005, 08:27:45
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Good Morning, Joy Wisdom,

Words are so much fun, don't you think?  I do.

From Dictionary.com

Lout (n):  An awkward and stupid person; an oaf

Lout (v): 

  1. To bow or curtsy.
  2. To bend or stoop.

I would have to agree with you that I was a stupid person to bow, bend, stoop or curtsy to Maharaji (I never curtsied).

Anyway, I want to get back to your statement from below where you said to Neville:

When did he ask anyone to abandon careers & relationships?

Got a quote for me Neville? I don't seem to recall Maharaji telling us "to abandon our academic careers and relationships in order to serve him." Refresh my memory, sir. When did this occur?

There are plenty of quotes and I'm sure you know what they are. Let's talk about actions.  Please read my post about the divorces that were processed on behalf of married premies in DLM headquarters in 1980, so that those premies could be free to join the ashram and further, work (do service) for Maharaji without pay.


Modified by Cynthia at Sun, Feb 06, 2005, 08:30:22

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