Jonx-you hit the nail right on the head, and I am so greatful for that, and feel freer already!
"In my view, you were freed from your fantasy of Maharaji. That is an important decision. The fantasy of Maharaji is something from which every premie needs to be freed"
Bolie Shri, Jonx, and Jai Satchitananad too!
I have now been freed from my fantasy that maharaji was an honest man.
I once believed he was honest, I am now freed from that fantasy, and you are right. I feel better already!
Now about that Bhole Ji's so damn hard to let it go, because he looked and acted so divine...and I see the need in so many people today to believe in a divine incarnation in, his satsang was...unique, to say the you think I could come back and be a premie again, even if I do have a few "concepts" about Bhole Ji?.......I'll keep them to myself, and won't tell any aspirants about them...