1-"I could not deny the truth that had been shown to me."
Can you define or describe "the truth that had been shown to me"? Does it come from practicing the 4 techniques of knowledge? If so, please describe if you can.
2-"Something that has indeed set me free"
Can you describe what knowledge has set you free from? What is the freedom that you have by practicing knowledge, and what are you freed from? The reason I ask is that when I left prem rawat and the practice of knowledge, my life felt more real, I felt truer to myself, and I definitely experienced a freedom from the need to be a premie and accept rawat as a "master". I celebrate the day I left.
The truth I refer to comes from practising the four techniques of Knowledge, but more importantly, practising Knowledge has taken me on a journey of discovery, and what I have discovered has freed me. Something I’m sure we both agree is that knowledge (small ‘k’) is freedom. Knowledge (again, small ‘k’), no doubt is what you would claim set you free, i.e., the ‘knowledge’ of what Maharaji is ‘really like’. I don’t disagree with you that you have been freed from something by what you’ve read and shared here with ex-premies, but I come to a different conclusion than you. It is my view that you were freed from your fantasy of Maharaji. That is an important distinction. The fantasy of Maharaji is something from which every premie needs to be freed.
3-What's your favorite technique?
Depends on the day.
4-Did you ever think Bhole Ji was divine?
Hell no!