With Neville, because as a Christian he's entitled to get exasperated when people skew the basic points through ignorance.With Tempora, because freedom of speech & the right to discuss our common involvement with the Rawat movement, should not be subject to whatever sinister spin the cultoids might put on the unfortunate John Macgregor & his ruination at their hands.
With Cynthia, because I usually do agree with Cynthia,& she's right that the ex-premies have all voiced concern about what's happened to the man.
I do feel that a little stiffening of the sinews wouldn't go amiss here sometimes. It's difficult to explain that probably, without giving the wrong impression, but what the hell.........
My wife has an elderly friend, one of those remarkable idealistic Imperialists who spent her youth both trying to bring modern health care to the benighted heathen, & then fighting off the Nazis. She's from the generation, now dying off fast, which many of us, as callow youths, repudiated. A while ago she had a breast removed & was back home within a few days, & just mentally exactly the same as before. No counselling required, all enquiries as to how she felt met with 'I'm fine'.
When my wife tried to dig a little deeper, as is the modern way, she was firmly told...........'Growing old isn't for wimps, my dear'.