That's baloney, Andries...
Re: Scholars taught me that I am an apostate telling atrocity stories -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/05/2005, 14:55:12
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The good thing about it is that I am not an apostate of Prem Rawat so what I write about him or other gurus is not necessarily misleading. The only guru that I can not write a good story about is my former guru and his organization. Though I was intensely involved with him and went often to group meetings, and have written many of his discourses during the nine years that I was his follower, I simply cannot give complete, accurate information about him because I have become a critical ex-follower. So, may be you can write about SSB then I can write about Prem Rawat to ensure the public reads articles and stories without distortions and propaganda.

That's bullshit.  Just because I have biased feelings about Rawat doesn't mean that the facts I know about him based upon my involvement are not true! Being a critical ex-premie doesn't mean what I tell about what happened isn't true either.  That's ridiculous.

You know what?  I think you've been spending way too much time practicing NPOV over on Wikipedia.


Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Feb 05, 2005, 14:56:46

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