Another myth busted...
Re: What the good professor didnt mention........ -- bill Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/05/2005, 10:54:53
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Hi Bill,

ok, granted, he is wearing a metal sock under his multiple layers of cloth socks. So when you bang your teeth down on his foot, he seems not to notice. Ah, the perks of that delusion!!

I don't think I've ever heard about the metal socks.  Now, I seem to remember all the "satsang" about how merciful, humble and giving Maharaji was by withstanding all the thousands upon thousands of premies who kissed his feet and how bruised his feet would be at the end of any darshan-giving period.  He wore metal socks?

I also remember very clearly hearing (and this came from people who did his laundry it was said) the stories that Maharaji always "grew a few sizes larger," during festivals, due to all the love he was feeling from the premies.  That's why he would have a few different clothing sizes at a program.

"His golden form just like, you know, like was blowing up from all that love."



Modified by Cynthia at Sat, Feb 05, 2005, 10:59:39

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