Again, your own words, not mine
Re: Being spiritual is never having to admit you're wrong about anything -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
San ®

02/04/2005, 19:10:57
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You're hilarious, Sanford.  Too spiritual for logic and thus too spiritual to ever be wrong.  I wonder, were you like this in, say, grade 5 too?  I kind of doubt it.  I think it's just a condition you picked up along the way.  -Jim

Who said I was 'too spiritual' for logic?  And who said I was never wrong?  You, not me.

What is it, Jimmy?  Slow night at the Forum?

AAA is dead, and there's not alot going on, I know.

You have to hone your skills on somebody, don't ya?

You don't really bother me, you just annoy me a bit.

I am used to you.  You are an old war dog who barks at anything it doesn't recognize at first glance.  It's OK, fella.

I am ever grateful for your vigilance but you need to chill out a bit.

I could cut on you for being the 'lawyer' type and you could cut on me for being the 'new age type' forever.  We both have our strengths and our weaknesses and our quirks that irk.  You are not better than me in any way shape or form, so why not drop the attitude?  

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