Re: Rampuri / Sitaram's book
Re: Rampuri / Sitaram's book -- Jean-Michel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

02/04/2005, 18:16:59
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He is a good writer and a great story teller, but doesn't say a single word about his time with 'the kid'

So what do you think of his claim, in his emails to you, that he was the main man in bringing 'the kid' West? I believe Mike Finch's account to be true, but is there any reason to disbelieve Sitaram's claim that the Allen Watt's Foundation donated $10,000 to someone or other, so that the 12 yr old Incarnation could go on his summer holidays.

I know talking of money is a very vulgar intrusion when discussing these esoteric subjects, but it seems to me that where Prem Rawat is concerned, the blindness to that aspect of his 'mission' goes right back to the very beginning.

I've mentioned here before that I knew people,never premies,who had a friend who was GMJ's 'bagman' back then. This guy's father owned a hotel in the the Bahamas or somewhere, & Robert used to fly satchels full of cash around the world in the service of the Lord. Then he got frozen out from the court of the king & never recovered. He ended up 7 or so yrs later stabbing himself in the neck in a dingy flat in a town in the north of England. I provided tea & sympathy to the guy who mopped up the blood.

He lived.

No one who posts on these boards has any recollection of the man. Maybe Sitaram knew him.

It seems to me that there must've been circles within circles right from the start.

Modified by PatD at Fri, Feb 04, 2005, 18:18:03

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