Grokking on peak experiences
Re: This is Written by my Spouse who is a Premie -- Jonathan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

02/04/2005, 11:13:42
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Hi Jonathans spouse,

You make one big assumption, that if we left we couldn't have appreciated knowledge, and couldn't have had deep experiences from the practice of it. Both false assumptions. There are plenty of people here who left in spite of that, in fact one of the reasons I originally left was because I saw nothing over a 20 year period that convinced me that gm was at all interested in spreading this knowledge to anything more than a select few. I had done enough research on company growth and CEO's to know that companies reflect their leaders which convinced me even more.

I had no problem understanding k at the deepest level.

Re your other comments you would need to be more specific for me to be able to give proper feedback.

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