I think when used as the name of the organisation, Elan Vital is singular for both Brits and North Americans. I was using it as a collective noun for the premies running the organisation. My grammar research tells me that it is beoming acceptable to treat collective nouns as plural.BTW, there is a considerable ongoing war amongst grammarians about what 'correct grammar' really means. One school (the 'Descriptives') thinks that grammar should only describe usage, meaning how people actually use their language, and whether that use leads to clear meaning or not.
The other school (the 'Prescriptives') thinks that there really is an objective 'correct' grammar. The prime example of this is the Academie Francaise, which seeks to regulate French grammar.
I am on the Descriptive's side myself; I see you Gerry are a Prescriptive. Shall we have a fight? No, on second thoughts, not worth it...!
Take care
-- Mike