Yes, I realise it is easy for me to say what I wrote above because I left Maharaji's clutches a long time ago. I don't know what you are going through now but I hope you can write about it here since you'll find people who can relate to what you're going through and help you to get past it.
The thing is, I wouldn't advise anyone to confront Maharaji or start a war against him. Not because of some superstitious reason but because it's a waste when people can leave him and leave his influence and get on with rebuilding their lives. That's how I see it and that's after being at the sharp end of Maharaji's stick and being blackmailed by his current devotees with his consent.
You don't want to stay with Maharaji and you can leave him. Time itself will loosen the imaginary bonds to him and you'll see things clearer. That is the process we all go through. If you start to get over the pain of the injustice that has been done to you, it would be inadvisable to then attack Maharaji head on because he has more money than all of us put together and if it comes down to a legal battle, Maharaji will probably win.
That said, Maharaji isn't like the Mafia. You can't just walk away from the Mafia and expect them to forget you. However, you can walk away from Maharaji and nothing bad will happen to you. Nobody will come looking for you and you'll be forgotten about in no time at all.
The mental Maharaji, the Maharaji that is in your mind will also vanish and will have no power over you after a while. That Maharaji is the result of years of Maharajism and Maha programming and if you take away the programming, you automatically start to regain your individuality and self esteem. It might not happen overnight but it does happen.
Anyway, I hope you can write more about what you're going through because this is the place to do it.