POP in again sometime, John B.
Re: Re: Everyone else is always the problem -- John B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

02/01/2005, 12:42:07
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"So, apologies to anyone I've not replied to. Like I said, I got here through googling "Palace of Peace" after a vivid dream of the place.

I posted a message because the few messages I read here seemed pretty sincere, and thought I could safely have a small rant. I'm a bit amazed (and touched) by all the replies. Someone somewhere said how interesting that I should roll up at a - shall we say "agnostic" premie site, and I say it's interesting how so many ex-premies feel so strongly as to run one!"

POP = Palace of Peace. Your method of finding Forum 8.( which is linked to EPO but run separately )

After your comment, and out of curiosity ,I just googled Palace of Peace. The only mention I could find was PatW's post which ,amazingly, he only posted a very short time ago  ( I have linked it to this post ) . The funny thing is, when I read PatW's post originally , I remember thinking that someone new would post here after reading it, as it was so evocative. It seemed to me like thousands of us went through that place. For a couple of years it really was an extraordinarily lively venue where a thousand and one dramas must have been played out.

It's true that this forum takes up a lot of time and can become addictive ( a bit like practising Knowledge ?? ).

Take care, Lexy.


Related link: http://www.forum8.org/forum8/posts/11638.html
Modified by Lexy at Tue, Feb 01, 2005, 17:19:28

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