The problem we have is attributing those good experiences to Prem Rawat, and his endless attempts to try to convince his followers that he is, indeed, essential. And what about the "bad" experiences you have in knowledge? I'm sure you've been bored listening to him, or you were unable to concentrate in meditation, etc., is that due to Rawat, too?
Yes, of course I've been bored, lacked concentration etc. And no, I don't blame Maharaji at those times. I still reckon it's MY fault if I'm having a bad time.
What you are saying here is very similar to what a good friend of mine said recently. He's an "ex", and assured me that he could get the same or better experience from meditation that he got when he followed Maharaji. And he's a sincere guy, who I trust, and who's had OODLES of darshan in the past, and I've seen him blissed out of his skull - in the past! I HAVE to put it down to the "memory effect". Puzzling.
So, apologies to anyone I've not replied to. Like I said, I got here through googling "Palace of Peace" after a vivid dream of the place.
I posted a message because the few messages I read here seemed pretty sincere, and thought I could safely have a small rant. I'm a bit amazed (and touched) by all the replies. Someone somewhere said how interesting that I should roll up at a - shall we say "agnostic" premie site, and I say it's interesting how so many ex-premies feel so strongly as to run one!
But I know I can't convince anyone of anything. On that I think we're all agreed!
I'll monitor this site for a bit, but I can't put this much energy into it very often, so if I fade off into the distance I'd like to think I do so with a song in my heart and (hopefully) a skip in my step ...
Best wishes to you all
John B