And is calling someone a schizophrenic considered nasty to you or not?
Re: Yours is a very nasty post, Joy -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

02/01/2005, 04:15:22
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I notice that it doesn't bother you when Jim calls someone a name or a liar or a cultist.  Those labels aren't nasty, are they?  As far as my own mind, I prefer it to most of the ones I encounter on a daily basis.  And to be frank, I prefer my mind over the ones I've seen in most premies.  Probably though, it has something to do with the fact that I'm used to my own mind.  The rascal has been with me for so long. 

How about you, JHB?  Your mind ever bother you?  You never answered me.  Do you have Knowledge?  I suppose you must have received the techniques or you would not be maintaining EPO.  Let me ask you another question, though.  If you took a panel of cult experts, and took EPO, house of Drek, and some of the other main ex-premie sites and asked these experts to compare these sites with EV, TPRF and the main sites of Maharaji, which side would the majority of those experts say was more cultish? 

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