Re: I remember those date slices.....
Re: I remember those date slices..... -- Dermot M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
John B ®

01/31/2005, 19:36:37
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"If you recall, little Julie, with the John Lennon specs,"

Yup. JuliA you mean, and I'm still in touch with her! (Sorry to insult your date slices m'dear ...)

Yeah, the "waiting for knowledge" process was something else in them days, and all known life forms abounded within the P of P walls!

So you did the ashram thing eh!? Never cut out for that sort of thing me (though my wife did time in Newcastle and one or two others). I must admit I did everything I could to get knowledge with the least possible effort, fiddling the attendance books etc, though they still had me sandpapering the bleachers in the P of P from time to time. (Gr!)

Then another stab at total submission......Leicester ashram......the rest, as they say, is history.

History in what sense?



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