Re: I remember those date slices.....
Re: Re: I remember those date slices..... -- Dermot M Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
John B ®

01/31/2005, 20:46:52
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Well if you're still in touch with her then  you've got to be right. I've just been going over it in my head....Julie, Julia, Julie, Julia...but it still comes out as Julie.Even when I say her name alongside her husbands name ( remember him?) it's Julie BUT I must have it wrong.Anyway, please pass on my good wishes and regards to her.I liked her a lot but, funnily enough, our paths never crossed much once I headed off for Leicester. That's odd really, given how it was in the Premie world in those days....always bumping into someone or other at some event or other.

Well, if she sounded Australian then we're talking the same person. Though I didn't think she married Alex till later on. BOY do I remember him!!

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