When i saw that in the end of the ninetees for the first time, i found it really interesting and helpful.
Now there is an extra full page on EV about exers, EV relies on scientology websites, or refers to Introvigne, a cult apologizer who said that Jim Jones Massacre was that of a communist group than that of a cult, to do a general cult white washing, which is of such a low level, that you may ask yourself what is going on in the head of rawat. The big difference to the past is the public of the internet today. rawat will not be able to turn this course around. because now there is proof written material copied in a thousand. the victims not necessarily scattered helplessly over the world. His tactics are of no credibility, and if he changed he looses his credibility internally, means even more longtime slaves that will leave.He looks like running into a checkmate trap.Toby
Modified by toby at Sun, Jan 30, 2005, 02:57:26