Mr. Ellis kind of smells of spiritual ego, doesn't he?
Re: and nothings else matters..... -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/27/2005, 16:40:44
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Mr. Jon Ellis appreciates ex-premies and their "movement" for getting rid of the premies who aren't as devoted and having "that understanding" like Mr. Ellis has.  Those infidels, who actually think and ask questions, are just not as spiritually high as Jon Ellis and so Mr. Ellis gets to feel even more superior, special and exclusive than before.  Not only is he better off than the people who don't have knowledge,  he now gets to think he is just higher and more evolved and devoted than those ignorant premies who have "issues."

The Rawat cult has always been full of spritual ego.  There have always been premies who thought they were better than other premies, whom they looked down at.  And what's even better, now that those premies with "issues" have split, the vibe is just better, and Jon gets the juice from Rawat a lot quicker than he did before.  It's just so much more effiicient to get pumped up earlier in the weekend, than when the confused "cold feet" premies where in the room.  In fact, Jon says that it used to take a day or so for the high to really develop with all those confused premies around.  Now, it doesn't take long at all.  He's really happy about that.

The other thing this mentality demonstrates is the cult principle that the problem is never Rawat, it's just the premies.  The fact that "the past is less than perfect" really isn't an issue or a problem for Rawat, and of course, he should never have to even acknowledge it even though he was the perpetrator of the lack of, um, perfection, lt's just that those premies are messed up because they dare to think about it and be concerned, now that the ex-premies have exposed them to inconvenient information.   And of course, Prem Rawat is exempt from even having to address the "issues" that confused premies might have.  What, do you think he takes responsibility or is a teacher or something?

Jon has had to put up with those confused, "cold feet" premies long enough.  They have lowered the vibe for too long and he's glad to be rid of them.  Now, he can just associate with the truly high premies and get a better fix at the event.  So, for that, he is grateful to ex-premies.

I have a hunch that Mr. Ellis is kind of a jerk.

Modified by Joe at Thu, Jan 27, 2005, 17:04:20

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