I was confused, but now I'm not
Re: I'mm bbbaaaccckkk! -- premie response Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

01/27/2005, 01:31:36
Author Profile

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Your post was one of the first I read this morning and I was still bleary eyed.  I read the whole post whilst thinking it was from Pauline Premie and was thinking what great satire your post was.

Then I woke up and realised it was for real and from a premie.

You are joking aren't you?  Surely?  You believe all that?



I recommend that the administrator of this forum give prominance to your post by linking to it in the intro of this site.  Your post must rank as one of the most brilliant pieces of back flipping and sheer nonsense I have seen here for months!

No seriously, Congratulations!

Thanks, you really have made my day.

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